Placenta Previa

Placenta previa is a condition where the placenta is positioned low in the uterus, potentially covering the cervix. This can lead to bleeding during pregnancy and cause complications during delivery. Depending on how much of the cervix is covered, placenta previa may require a cesarean section to deliver the baby and avoid excessive bleeding safely.

The most common symptom of placenta previa is painless vaginal bleeding, particularly as the pregnancy progresses.

To diagnose the condition, doctors typically use ultrasound imaging, which helps them assess the placenta’s placement. In some cases, doctors may recommend rest or limited activity, but if the condition is severe, early delivery might be necessary.

Dr. Suchismita Biswal is dedicated to providing specialized care for women with placenta previa, offering comprehensive monitoring throughout the pregnancy. If you’ve been diagnosed with placenta previa, she will guide you through the treatment plan tailored specifically for you, providing the necessary support and care for safe delivery.

Reach out to Dr. Suchismita Biswal for expert advice and compassionate care during this important time in your pregnancy.

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