Pap Smear Screening

Cervix is the organ underneath the uterus, additionally called the mouth of the uterus by a few. Malignancy of the cervix is one of the main sources of death in Asian ladies, particularly in India. Pap smear is a test to screen this malignancy at beginning phases, along these lines is a daily existence – saving measure. Pap tests can likewise tell in the event that you have a disease or undesirable cells. The test is impossible while the lady is bleeding.  

When should the test be finished?

Pap tests ought to be done each year in a sexual connection. After the age of 65 years, the test can be kept away from if past three years of pap smear are negative. Lady on chemotherapy or who have gone through organ relocate ought to have an ordinary pap test   HIV positive lady ought to have normal pap smear test for deep rooted

How is the test performed?

The test is conducted in the center. It is an easy, non – intrusive test, wherein I will gather a test preceding your pelvic assessment with the assistance of a little exceptional wooden stick. The example will be spread on a slide, dunked in an answer and sent for minute assessment. Further administration will be finished relying upon the aftereffect of the test. Immunization against HPV disease doesn’t give you the freedom to stay away from a pap test.