Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a method to eliminate tissue from inside your uterus. Specialists perform dilation and curettage to analyze and treat certain uterine conditions — like substantial dying — or to clear the uterine coating after a premature delivery or fetus removal.  

Dr Suchi

In a dilation and curettage — now and then spelled "dilatation" and curettage Your PCP utilizes little instruments or a medicine to open (enlarge) your cervix — the lower, slender piece of your uterus. Your primary care physician then, at that point, utilizes a careful instrument called a curette to eliminate uterine tissue. Curettes utilized in a D&C can be sharp or use attractions.

Why it's finished

Dilation and curettage can analyze or treat an uterine condition. To analyze a condition Your PCP may suggest a sort of D&C called endometrial testing to analyze a condition if: You have strange uterine dying You experience draining after menopause Your primary care physician finds unusual endometrial cells during a standard test for cervical malignant growth